Emsculpt utilizes non-invasive High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology, which involves the transmission of high-frequency magnetic vibrations through two large treatment handles. These vibrations penetrate the muscles to a depth of 8cm, inducing a continuous expansion and contraction of the muscles.

This process aims to achieve high-frequency muscle training, leading to the deepening of myofibrils (muscle enlargement) and the generation of new collagen chains and muscle fibers (muscle hyperplasia). Consequently, this training enhances muscle density and volume. Remarkably, Emsculpt offers a convenient option as it requires only a 30-minute session, which equates to approximately 30,000 muscle contractions. For instance, a 30-minute treatment on the abdominal or hip area is equivalent to performing 30,000 sit-ups or squats. This allows individuals to effortlessly build muscle and reduce fat without strenuous physical activity. Furthermore, medical research has demonstrated that after completing a full treatment course, HIFEM technology can effectively increase muscle mass by 16% while simultaneously reducing fat by 19%.The best candidates for Emsculpt are those individuals who are within 15 to 30 pounds of their ideal weight, or have a BMI of 30 or less

Emsculpt is particularly beneficial for individuals, especially mothers, who have experienced abdominal muscle loosening due to rectus abdominis separation following childbirth. It effectively shapes the abdominal area, helping to regain a more toned and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Avoid Being Full: It's advisable not to undergo treatment on a full stomach. It's recommended to wait at least one hour after eating before the session. Post-Treatment Nutrition: After the treatment session, wait for an hour before consuming food again. It's beneficial to drink plenty of water and opt for foods rich in protein.

Avoid During Specific Conditions: The treatment should be avoided during menstruation, pregnancy, and lactation. Patients with heart disease, hypertension, thyroid issues, malignant tumors, renal failure, epilepsy, and muscle strains should approach the treatment with caution. Individuals with metal or electronic implants, such as metal contraceptive rings, cardiac pacemakers, cardiac defibrillators, nerve stimulators, drug pumps, and stents, should use the treatment cautiously. Patients with thrombophlebitis, cerebrovascular disease (including stroke patients), brain injuries, or those who have undergone brain surgery should also approach the treatment with caution. These precautions are essential to ensure the safety and effectiveness of the Emsculpt treatment for individuals with specific medical conditions or situations. Always consult with a healthcare professional before undergoing any medical or cosmetic procedure, especially if you have underlying health concerns or medical devices.

How long will a course of treatment take? How long till it will it take effect?
A complete course of treatment typically involves four sessions, with each session spaced 2-3 days apart. In general, it is recommended to undergo 6-8 complete courses of treatment to achieve optimal results. The most significant improvements are typically observed within 2-4 weeks after completing the treatment.

How long will the effect last?
The effect can be maintained for one year after 6 courses. But some people may need additional treatment to achieve the best results. If you have a course of treatment every 2-3 months, you can maintain your results. At the same time, customers can visit the store multiple times.

How long does it take ?
Each session only takes 30 minutes.